The Encyclopedia of CivEx 3.0 Wiki

The CivEx 3.0 Podcast[]

The CivEx 3.0 Podcast is an occassional podcast show delivered by /u/Zefmiller. The program can range in topics from what people should expect of the current server, to how vault design, to espionage. This show is setup in an interview format in which Zefmiller interviews a notable member of the CivEx community. These individuals have been diverse and included Bonkill, MasterofParadox, HiImPosey, etc. Users with very different backgrounds, play styles, and maturity levels. Usually a program can hover around thirty minutes, and all technical work and production is handled by zefmiller. The podcast is available through Soundcloud and Youtube.

Current Episodes[]

Podcast titles are generally setup to reflect the individual being interviewed. Below are a list of the current interviews available:


  1. Bonkill
  2. John_Aron
  3. MasterofParadox
  4. NatJones
  5. HiImPosey
  6. Sirboss001
  7. TheOGFormula
  8. Haisuke
  9. Winton

